Historically being a prime mechanism for handling capacity spikes without large upfront investments, today the cloud is the integral catalyst for digital enterprise innovation and a core technology capability for business strategy implementation.

However, with huge opportunities come responsibility and complexity in leveraging the full potential of cloud services and processes.

TageSpot mission is to accelerate our clients' cloud capability to make them stay ahead of the competition by setting the right organizational structures and applying the right technology.
Cloud Adoption
As technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, we can expect to see even greater adoption rates in the future than it is today. (maybe some image on the rate of cloud adoption) Cloud adoption is set to continue to grow and evolve, providing businesses with ever more advanced tools and technologies to help them succeed in the digital age.

Today it is hard to imagine a great company who haven't tried at least one service from a list of major cloud vendors. Unfortunately, a lot of endeavors don't bring expected results. Besides the presence of credible cloud skills, organizational transformation is needed to make sure that enterprise portfolio planning, budgeting, and technology management, all align with the strategic aims of adopting cloud. Governance should be in place to facilitate trade-offs between speed, costs, risks, and long-term technology health.

At TageSpot we use our homegrown philosophy based on Business Capabilities & Value Streams to plan and execute cloud adoption technology strategy.
Cloud Costs Optimization
In the new era of cloud, cost optimization is crucial. Broken promises of infrastructure costs optimization that cloud strategy entails, bring unbelief into the minds of technology executives about everything that the cloud drags along. This of course creates a vicious cycle that slows companies and suppresses their capability to move forward and innovate.

At TageSpot we believe that it shouldn't be that painful!

Our approach to cloud costs optimization besides increasing your overall cloud maturity puts an emphasis on optimizing cloud spend. We do that by aligning your company around which services to consume, how to consume them, and bringing financial accountability. Whether we are talking about business executives or technical teams we rely on industry best practices e.g. FinOps, to make sure that you have no more than needed in setting up cloud spend capability across different layers of your enterprise.
Cloud Architecture Optimization
There is no example of perfect cloud architecture. Cloud maturity greatness is reached not by implementing successful solutions initially, but by continuously evolving cloud architecture and enterprise. Adjusting it to business-critical requirements, migrating to more cost-efficient and flexible compute and storage options, and refactoring debt that slows your teams and overall time to market.

At TageSpot, our consultants and technologists work closely with business and tech teams to perform a thorough analysis of your current cloud architecture, as well as build a comprehensive roadmap to cloud architecture greatness. We help you build the required cloud capabilities to allow extract the biggest value cloud innovation brings nowadays.