Enterprise Integration
We are living in the era of "Bridge" services and platform business models. Everything is connected. The importance of Enterprise Integrations has reached its climax by building bridges between people, processes, and technology. It is at the core of any great digital experience. Besides, hybrid and multi-cloud models, new partnerships with other technology companies are only spicing the situation.

According to Gartner, "By 2025, more than 75% of the midsize, large and global organizations will establish integration strategy empowerment teams to support collaborative integration, up from 40% in 2021.

Mid to large-size companies are typically comprised of many applications. Usually, it is a mix of 3rd party and custom-built software (whether these are new products or legacy systems). All that creates a complex ecosystem where many applications interact by exchanging information that adheres to specific rules (contracts) and is delivered according to time and integrity constraints. That is where tremendous complexity starts to kick in. Huge costs and maintenance complexity for opinionated integration infrastructure makes things even worse.
"We are living in the era of "Bridge" services where the biggest business potential lies in value-stream where all software systems are integrated effectively."
- TageSpot Technology Excellence Center opinion
What are the benefits of having an Enterprise Integration Strategy?
For your business:
  • Increased business agility
  • Ability to respond much faster to the market needs
  • Improved business governance
  • Satisfied customers due to an optimized experience

For your technical eco-system & teams:

  • Shorter time to market for business process & organizational changes
  • Smaller IT budgets for the maintenance of existing systems
  • More space for digital innovation
  • A standardized approach for handling integration use cases
What if there is no integration strategy in place?
When a company has no integration strategy in place it creates significant problems. Wasted resources, ineffective architectures that age very fast, lack of speed, lost business opportunities, and security leaks. Without strategy growth potential of the business is suppressed.

From another perspective, traditional integration strategies can't fulfill the demands of modern digital transformation. Promising integration strategy except for technical spans several other dimensions. One of the most important dimensions is a bridge (organizational integration capability) between business and IT.
The dark side of integrations that no one wants to talk about
Integrations require continuous agility to flourish in a cycle of digital transformation.

Legacy systems with point-to-point integrations or as opposed to overengineered solutions based on proprietary integration platforms with many complex integration patterns implemented, slow your company down. They don't provide that level of agility, quick response to competitive and market changes, and continual optimization of customer experience that is required. The inability to process large data volumes, keep up with customer demands, efficiently connect data silos, and provide real-time analytics take way opportunities for companies' business model innovation. Most of the integrations in the enterprise are not strategically aligned. From the business perspective, it simply means lost revenue.

Business leaders are frustrated in their efforts to achieve the desired outcome.
Endeavour to realize modern enterprise integration strategy with TageSpot
Modern enterprise integration strategy should bound:

  • corporate strategy imperatives
  • customer & partner needs
  • needs of internal business units and their processes
  • technical drivers that encompass data both internal and external
  • cloud & on-prem apps
  • analytic systems
  • scenarios for AI & machine learning, API first strategy, etc.

At TageSpot we use our homegrown philosophy based on Business Capabilities and Value Streams to plan and execute Enterprise Integration strategy. As part of our Digital Strategy Execution offering for Enterprise Integration, we help you to set business architecture accompanied by the integration technology which together becomes a vital digital enabler for your company. It allows fast corporate change propagation, and business model innovation while continually enhancing operational excellence and customer experience. Everything in the context of your rapidly evolving needs of digital transformation.

TageSpot is ready to streamline your integration journey by sharing our experience, expertise, and our free-of-charge cloud-native EiPaaS product for software integrations.