Technology consulting
Technology continues to change and gets more sophisticated. That is why at TageSpot we are investing a lot in our technology consulting capability. That helped us to create an internally grown technology strategy methodology of bridging business and technology in the most effective way. Continuously extracting the highest value technology could bring to solve the desired business case. That is what differentiates us from most of our peers. This is a "Tacit skill" that can't be bought or learned overnight.

While offering technology consulting services, our ultimate goal remains to help you decide on and implement the best suitable IT practices. Of course, aligned with your business goals as well as resource availability.

The process is much more than just advice. Through effective planning and core implementation, our technological consultant experts leave no stone unturned to help you reach your potent technical advancement. To help you fill a skill shortage in advanced areas, TageSpot provides access to highly skilled technologists. All our experts are trained with internally crafted consulting methodology. It helps to ensure that change is as painless as possible for all parties involved and that it will be positive and sustained for years if needed.
We provide consulting in the following areas:
Software Architecture
Being an implicit fundamental of any software system, architecture plays a vital role in the long-term health of the product, it is evolution, and its ability to meet user needs. As the number of software systems and their complexity inside enterprises grow, the need to constantly assess and optimize architecture characteristics becomes inevitable for the success of any business system.

At TageSpot we leverage industry-recognized standards and methodologies for the design, evaluation, and documentation of software architectures. We help you crystalize your vision of the most suitable architecture for a solution and make all the necessary steps to ensure that it meets expectations and business needs.
Requirements Management
Requirements management is a crucial aspect of software engineering that involves the identification, documentation, and maintenance of the requirements for a software project. Requirements management is essential because:

  • It helps to ensure that the software development process is focused on the needs of the stakeholders
  • That the final product meets the intended objectives
  • It also helps to reduce project risks
  • Improves communication and collaboration
  • Ensures quality and reliability
  • Supports change management,
  • Reduces development costs and time-to-market

At TageSpot we are incorporating our Requirements Management and Business Analyses Assessment Framework to help you optimize the requirements management process. Our consultants besides being proficient in the topic under question will help you to ensure that change is sustainable and doesn't cause friction inside teams and the overall enterprise.
Engineering Processes
Engineering processes are important in software engineering because they provide a structured and efficient approach to software development. They support collaboration, quality assurance, and project management, and help to ensure that the software meets the needs of the stakeholders while also meeting the required quality standards. They are the core backbone of any high-performing engineering team.

TageSpot Technical Leaders and Consultants will help you to optimize daily engineering, make work more effective and efficient and bring work satisfaction to your teams.
DevOps practices optimization
DevOps is important in software engineering because it helps organizations deliver software faster, more reliably, and with higher quality while promoting collaboration and efficiency across teams.

DevOps adoption can be challenging, especially for organizations that are used to more traditional software development and IT operations models. There are several reasons why DevOps adoption can be difficult:

  • Cultural changes: DevOps requires a shift in culture, with a focus on collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. This can be a significant change for organizations that are used to working in silos or have a more hierarchical culture.
  • Technical complexity: DevOps requires the use of a wide range of tools and technologies, including automation, orchestration, and monitoring tools. These tools can be complex and require expertise to configure and maintain.
  • Skills gaps: DevOps requires a broad range of skills, including software development, operations, and automation. Many organizations may not have the required skills in-house and may need to hire or train staff.
  • Resistance to change: Some stakeholders may be resistant to change, especially if they are used to working in a certain way. This can create resistance to the adoption of DevOps practices and tools.

Despite these challenges, TageSpot Technologists are ready to streamline your DevOps adoption. It requires a commitment to change, strong leadership, and a focus on continuous improvement. The road is bumpy but you will reap the benefits of faster, more reliable software delivery.

If you need help with Infrastructure as code (IaC), Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery or Deployment, and Configuration Management to name a few or accelerate the pace of delivered software in general, feel free to schedule a call with our Consultants, so we could prepare a unique roadmap considering your specific case.